Welcome to the Home Base of  VibrationalQuantumHealing.com 

Where you can experience the benefits of :
Karuna Reiki Master, Essential Oils, Crystals,  Breathwork, Sound Healing, AO Scanning,
 and the Angelic Realms Support.

Greetings from Jane Lynn:

A Vibrational Quantum Advocate

  • You've come to the right place! 
  • Have you heard?  "Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies."  Albert Einstein 
  • Keep scrolling for info;
      •  and testimonials.
Dear Women of all ages,

This is your time!

I stand with you; and in your desire to find your joy in this journey!  You may be young and ready to learn all there is to learn about bursting through the last generations belief systems and creating your own! 

You may have had a fulfilling or not so fulfilling career. You may have raised a family, had a husband or not.  But now is the time to pivot and find your unique gifts here on earth.

Let's together, learn more about your beautiful path through energy work, oils, crystals, guides, and/or breath work??? Is it time for you?  Bountiful blessings, Jane Lynn

Classess and Trainings:
Supporting individuals, small groups; and Womens' Only Quantum Soul Circles of 8 -12 participants.

These Circles hold space for those who need to rest and heal through communing, teachings, sound healing, drumming, ceremonies and many more opportunites.  For most circles, I ask for an energy exchange of $25/person.  

Reiki Classes 1 & 2 are quickly coming up  in June!  Since I have moved to a new area, classes are intimate and smaller. Therefore,  Please let me know if you have interest in attending this first (Reiki 1&2 of 3 levels of Reiki Classes .

Note:  Interactive, fun Chakra beginners classes to advanced classes are also coming up in March! 

Want to learn more?
Tap the tabs below for more information!

Searching for Solutions?

Like you, I have had moments where I sought solutions to my many aches and pains and sadness. I now know I was looking for peace, hope and joy.

I am grateful that Spirit has connected us; and I am ready to support you on your own journey with my tools and trainings listed below:

 ** Certified doTERRA Essential Oil Specialist,  **doTERRA  Silver Wellness Advocate, Reiki I &2, Reiki Master ***Karuna Reiki Master of Master Mikao Usui Lineage, ***Second Degree Interdimensional Healer, ***Certified Oracle Card Reader, ***Certified Crystal Reader/Healer, ***Certified in Advanced Ho' opono pono, Transformational Breath Facilitator,  AOScanner QuantumAdvocate and Certified Angel Practitioner.

I am grateful that we have connected and I am ready to support you, at this time, on your own journey! 

Wishing you Wings,
Jane Lynn

Intuitive Channel

I believe

That I am here to serve others; by supporting those who are ready to release the effects of  anxiety, stress, loneliness, and depression, caused by the old wounds (trauma), both physically and emotionally. Time for all to live in a healthy, homeostatic way; with a goal to receive and express joy!

Vibrational Quantum Healing Facebook Community

Vibe with Quantum Community is a public Facebook group with the intention to express joyous uses of cyrstals, healing modalities, doTerra Essential oils; and many other high vibrational experiences.

Your Free Gift

15 min. Essential Oil, Crystal Or Angel Oracle Card Reading with Jane Lynn

Leave a message below

Let's connect on Instagram @essentiallyangelsandoils