Reiki, Oils, & breathwork

What is Reiki? and how will it help you?

 Reiki is a type of alternative energy healing therapy. It was developed by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist in 1922. The word can be broken down into two meanings: “Rei”which means God’s wisdom or higher power and “Ki” which is the life force energy. When combined, Reiki is the spiritually guided life force energy. Reiki is an energy healing practice that is considered safe with no unwanted side effects. Under the notion that the body is more than a physical entity, Reiki focuses on all aspects of the being, including mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Jane Lynn, as a conduit of God’s will, has achieved the highest level of mastery in Reiki through her Master Teacher Beth Stapor in Dale Hollow, Tennessee. JL is also certified to train those wishing to become Reiki practitioners. In addition: 2nd Degree Inter-Dimensional Healer, 1st and 2nd Degree Pranic Healer.


  • In Person Hour Reiki Session $50
  • In Person Hour and Half $80
  • Reiki and Oils Touch Relaxation Therapy Hour and a Half $75
  • Transformational Breathwork  $50/hr

TRansformational BreathWork

 Judith Kravitz, Founder of Worldwide Transformational Breath (celebrating that Communities 50 years of training and healing breath work), explains that it  is a healing modality of full connected open breath which allows us to access and permanently heal areas of past traumas and pain from the cellular memory. 
This is done primarily by tapping into those past traumas through the process of opening restricted breathing patterns. As we continue to breathe into areas where the breath is restricted vibrational changes occur at the cellular level, thus painful feelings and memories are cleared. 

Jane Lynn will consult with you in a relaxed fully clothed session, and assist you to release aspects that no longer serves you. 


While, I can not promise anything, I can certainly listen to spirit and transform the energy through my hands. All the glory goes to God, the Source of All healing and love!

Women Only Quantum Circle Work

Jane Lynn has often enjoyed doing her own form of Circle Work, called  Quantum Soul Circles.  The Circle work is limited to 8-12 guests (sitting fully clothed in a circle) who will receive Divinely written music, meditations, guidance, breathwork, energy work and/or  crystals.  She also likes to teach about chakras, and their uses of oils and crystals in those Circle Classes.  Contact her for monthly offerings.

Let's connect on Instagram @essentiallyangelsandoils